Official Website of the 385th Bomb Group Association


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385th BGA

Constitution of the 385th Bomb Group Association

Adopted at members meeting October 2004

Article I


The name of this Association shall be the 385th Bomb Group Association. Its official abbreviation shall be 385 BGA.  The 385 BGA is unincorporated and is non profit in accordance with the provisions of Section 501 (c) (19) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and subsequent amendments.





The purposes of the 385 BGA are:

(a) To perpetuate the history and activities of the 385th Bombardment Group (H), 8th Air Force, that was stationed at Great Ashfield, RAF Station 155, Suffolk, England, during World War II, as well as of the subsequent 385 BGA.

(b) To remember and honor the veterans who gave their lives in this Group during World War II and those veterans who have died since.

(c) To maintain items and documents of an historical nature for the purpose of preserving the history and activities of the 385th Bombardment Group (H) and its veterans as well as of the 385 BGA, both during World War II and since. Such Archives will serve as reference material for historians and for educational purposes.

(d) To enhance communication among members with the publication of a newsletter. This Newsletter may also serve as a journal of the 395 BGA activities and as an historical record.

(e) To hold Reunions and Special Meetings to promote fellowship between members and enhance the esprit de corps within the 385 BGA.

(f) To locate and enroll veterans of the 385th Bomb Group, relatives of veterans of the 385th Bomb Group and other interested parties so that they may participate in and learn of the activities of the 385 BGA and to pass these on for posterity.

(g) Maintain a close relationship with other 8th AF Groups, historical Societies and organizations whenever possible.

(h) To educate the public, including school children, about the activities and history of the385th Bomb Group during World War II.

(i) To assist, if possible and feasible, in the maintenance of memorials to veterans of the 385th Bomb Group.





Members shall be either veterans of the 385th Bombardment Group (H) of the 8th Army Air Force, including members of units assigned or attached for support while this Group was stationed at Great Ashfield, Suffolk, England during World War II or other persons or organizations interested in the history of the 385th Bomb Group and its veterans. Types of members shall be defined in the By Laws.



Registered Address


Section 1. The registered address of the 385 BGA shall be the address of the current Treasurer. Due notice will be given to the Internal Revenue Service when such address changes.

Section 2. The following documents should be kept at the Registered Address, subject to the inspection of the membership at any reasonable time upon prior written request:

(a) A list of the current members of the 385 BGA, with current addresses; email addresses, if available and permitted; and in the case of Associate Members, their 385th BG relative, if known.

(b) A copy of the current Constitution and By Laws.

(c) The annual balance sheets of the receipts and disbursements of the 385 BGA as filed, if required, with the Internal Revenue Service for the previous five (5) years.

(d) A copy of the notification letter of the IRS that the 385BGA is a tax exempt organization, together with all other pertinent IRS documents.

(e) All other books and documents required by law to be kept at the Registered Address.




Section 1. By Laws shall be passed to implement the purposes and operation of the 385 BGA, provided no By Law, or part of a By Law, conflicts with the purposes of this Constitution.  The members may repeal or amend the By Laws provided the proposed amendment has been published in the Newsletter prior to the meeting.

Section 2. The government of the 385 BGA shall be vested in an Executive Board, whose membership and functioning shall be defined in the By Laws, except, the membership, at a regular called meeting, may repeal any act of the Board.

Section 3. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all meetings of both the Executive Board and meetings of the members, except as otherwise explicitly stated or required in this Constitution or in the By Laws.




Section 1. The Officers of the 385 BGA shall be President, one or more Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor of the Newsletter.

Section 2. The officers of the 385 BGA will perform the normal duties prescribed for their office.

Section 3. Officers shall be elected by the members at a regular meeting, normally a reunion meeting, and shall hold office until their successor is elected or appointed.



Duration and Dissolution


Section 1 The duration of the 385 BGA shall be perpetual.

Section 2. However if the 385 BGA is to be dissolved for any reason, the dissolution shall be implemented as stated in the By Laws.






This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at any scheduled meeting, provided that the proposed amendment was submitted in the 385 BGA newsletter, or by mail, and delivered to the members two months prior to the meeting at which the vote is taken.


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